Archive an Applicant When Their Status is Updated

Implementing a trigger to automatically archive an applicant when their status is updated can greatly enhance the efficiency of your recruitment process. This trigger instantly moves applicants to the archived folder whenever their status is changed to a specific designation, such as "Not Selected" or "Withdrawn." By automating this process, you can keep your active applicant list organized and focused, while ensuring that past applicants are neatly archived for future reference. In this guide, we'll walk you through the steps to set up this convenient trigger in your ATS.

Event Type

  • app_status_updated

Action Type

  • mark_as_archived

Required Data

  • status: The applicant status that will trigger the action to take place.

Example Request

  "event_type": "app_status_updated",
  "action_type": "mark_as_archived",
  "conditions": {
    "if": {
        "and": {
            "==" : [{ "app" : "status" }, "ENTER STATUS HERE" ]


  • Account level credentials will need to be utilized for this trigger.
  • Any changes made to the status names in the UI will affect the trigger. You will need to update the trigger with the new status names accordingly.