Send Interview Invite when Applicant Status is Updated

Setting up a trigger to automatically send a calendar invite for an interview when an applicant's status is updated to a specific status can significantly streamline your recruitment process. This feature ensures that whenever an applicant's status is changed, they receive a calendar invite immediately. This automation helps maintain clear communication, reduces manual scheduling efforts, and ensures both the hiring team and applicants are on the same page regarding interview details. In this guide, we'll show you how to configure this time-saving trigger in your Applicant Tracking System.

Event Type

  • app_status_updated

Action Type

  • create_interview

Required Data

  • email The admin user’s email. The interview will be sent from the calendar of this user.
  • duration Length of interview in minutes.
  • location Location of interview. Either a physical address or “Remote” for an online Interview.
  • minimum_notice Minimum notice for which an applicant can schedule in interview in minutes.
  • available_days_length Amount of calendar days available for the applicant to schedule the interview.
  • add_conferencing Boolean true for an online interview or false for an in-person interview. The admin user’s default conferencing profile will be used if set to true.

Optional Data

  • additional_attendee_emails An array of additional admin user emails who will attend the interview.


  • { "app": "status" } The status value that will trigger an interview to the applicant.

Example Request

# POST /api/v1/triggers

  "event_type": "app_status_updated",
  "action_type": "create_interview",
  "data": {
    "email": "",
    "additional_attendee_emails": [""],
    "duration": 30,
    "location": "Remote",
    "minimum_notice": 1440,
    "available_days_length": 30,
    "add_conferencing": true
  "conditions": {
    "if": {
      "and": {
        "==": [{ "app": "status" }, "Ready for Interview"]


Once the trigger is created, any time an applicant's status is set to "Ready for Interview", they will automatically be sent an interview invitation.