Create an Interview


This action allows you to create an interview and send an invitation to an applicant.

Action Type

  • create_interview

Required Data

  • app_id The id of the applicant who will be interviewed.
  • email The admin user’s email. The interview will be sent from the calendar of this user.
  • duration Length of interview in minutes.
  • location Location of interview. Either a physical address or “Remote” for an online Interview.
  • minimum_notice Minimum notice for which an applicant can schedule in interview in minutes.
  • available_days_length Amount of calendar days available for the applicant to schedule the interview.
  • add_conferencing Boolean true for an online interview or false for an in-person interview. The admin user’s default conferencing profile will be used if set to true.

Optional Data

  • additional_attendee_emails An array of additional admin user emails who will attend the interview.

Example Request Payload

  "type": "create_interview",
  "data": {
    "app_id": 3640,
    "email": "",
    "additional_attendee_emails": [""],
    "duration": 30,
    "location": "Remote",
    "minimum_notice": 1440,
    "available_days_length": 30,
    "add_conferencing": true


Upon execution of the action, the applicant will receive an invitation to either schedule an online interview on the admin user's connected calendar, or to an in-person interview.