Send a TBNT Email when Applicant Status is Updated

Set up a trigger in your Applicant Tracking System to automatically send a "Thanks but No Thanks" email to applicants when their status is updated. This document will guide you through the steps to configure this trigger, ensuring that a predefined email template is sent whenever an applicant's status changes to a specific status. Automating this process helps streamline communication and guarantees that applicants receive timely updates about their application status, enhancing the efficiency and professionalism of your hiring process.

Event Type

  • app_status_updated

Action Type

  • send_tbnt_email

Required Data

  • delay: This should be in the number of hours, not days. For example, if you would like to send the TBNT email 2 days after the status is updated, you would set your delay as 48 to indicate 48 hours.
  • status: The applicant status that will trigger the action to take place.

Example Request

  "event_type": "app_status_updated",
  "action_type": "send_tbnt_email",
  "data": { 
    "delay": 0
  "conditions": {
    "if": {
        "and": {
            "==" : [{ "app" : "status" }, "ENTER STATUS HERE" ]


  • Account level credentials will need to be utilized for this trigger.
  • Any changes made to the status names in the UI will affect the trigger. You will need to update the trigger with the new status names accordingly.
  • This trigger uses the Thanks But No Thanks message template. Any changes made to that template will impact this trigger.

Please see API Triggers: Automating TBNT Emails Based on Status for a Support Article with this information presented in a different format.